Every year, an estimated 35 million vehicle repairs after collisions are carried out in Europe. While many repair methods exist for damaged vehicle parts, they often involve directly replacing them with brand-new parts.
For a typical case where a damaged door is replaced with a new part, it results in a climate change impact of about 200 kg CO₂ equivalents. Multiplied by 35 million, this results in 7 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalents emitted per year. On an indicative basis, this represents the carbon footprint of about 1 million EU citizens – EVERY year.
The interest for CO2 reports from our customers have been increasing. Both MSO’s and single body shops want to understand their impact. They are often surprised what actually is the largest part of their total emissions. A lot of companies see the connection between CO2 – cost and efficiency.
In the total Carbon Footprint Analysis – paint is one part of the calculation but it is not the largest part of the calculation.
To lower your CO2 emissions, it is worth considering:
✅Changing processes to minimize time and reduce energy.
✅Using replaced parts instead of new parts.
We can support you and create Carbon Footprint Reports for you body shop. We offer to monitor your full carbon footprint and generate recommendations on how to reduce it.
Lina Ullman, our Nordic ESG Champion
Read more on our Sustainability CO2NCEPT